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Loving God

So you'd like to visit us - great!

Every Sunday we gather at 10.30am to express our love for God and all that he has done and is doing in our lives.   

What happens on a Sunday morning?

Firstly, you are so welcome and it will be great to meet you.
The morning begins at 10.30am and usually goes as follows:


At the door

The entrance is through the glass doors at the far end of the carpark, where you’ll be greeted by the ’welcome team’ in the porch,  who will be able to answer any questions you might have from: Where’s the nearest loo, to what time does it finish?!



Our gatherings usually begin with a welcome, and some relevant notices about what is coming up in the next few days or weeks - there’s always something going on, and there’s often the opportunity for you to get involved in some way if you would like to!


Singing - Praise and Worship

Once people have been welcomed, and the notices dispatched, we usually enter a time of music and singing, this is how we as a church give thanks and express our love to God when we gather together. Some people will stand, sit, and possibly even sway from side to side with their hands in the air! The most important thing is that you participate in a way that feels right and comfortable for you. Each week someone will be leading this time of worship and will guide us through this precious time. This normally lasts for about 15 minutes.


Children and Young Teens

Children stay with their parents for the start of the service as we worship together for the first part of the morningSomeone will announce when the children and young people need to go to their programme, and they will be collected by one of our wonderful volunteers, and taken through to the community hall. You will need to collect your child once the service is over. At the moment we have two groups; one for 5-11, and one for 11+.

There is also a dedicated creche on the side of the main hall, where parents can feel free to go with their child at any time during the service. It has a speaker linked up if you wish to continue listening to the service whilst you are in there.



Following the singing, there will be a short 'sermon', that's the Christian way of saying a 'short talk’! This will be based upon a passage in the Bible, and will seek to offer insights and interpretation of the passage that will be of value to all listening. The talk generally lasts between 20 - 30 minutes.


Opportunity to respond

We purposely place the talk in the middle of the service, so that we can sing and give thanks to God before and after the talk. This gives us the opportunity to respond to what we have just heard, reflecting on who God is and the impact He and His word have on our lives. To give space for response we spend a short time in worship again. During this time, we have people who would be more than happy to pray for you if you would like that..


The gathering will then close in prayer. People are free to linger and pray for one another, or simply head next door into the community hall for refreshments and usually some form of cake! This would be a great time to introduce yourself to someone so we can connect with you, although there is a good chance someone will have introduced themselves to you already, we're a friendly bunch!  


We really do look forward to you joining us.


01274 691889



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